
Chic in Floral X Denim

April 08, 2017

denim jacket and pleated floral skirt - dafashionfreak

Hey guys!
It finally rained!!! The kind of rain I’ve been praying for. Thankfully the weather is cooler now. Since the year began, it has been really hot here in Abuja so I just could not contain my excitement when it rained on Thursday’s evening. Too bad network services have been poor and that's the reason this post is coming a bit late. But still, I thank God for the rain. So I won’t complain. For someone who loves rain, I just have to be thankful. 

statement neckpiece, denim jacket, pleated floral skirt, block heels, box clutch - dafashionfreak

Outfit Details:
Denim jacket – PROJECT from MrP. Try here go for L or XL, mine is XL
Camisole – old, try this here
Skirt – old, try herehere, and here
Neckpiece – Jumia (out of stock), check these out here, and here
Clutch – Jumia (out of stock) similar here, here, love this here, more here
Shoes – C. LABEL from Jumia (out of stock) similar here, love this here on sale here
statement neckpiece, denim jacket, pleated floral skirt, block heels, box clutch - dafashionfreak

So going into today’s post, I incorporated floral and denim to my outfit. This combo was inspired by two factors; floral season and the vintage denim trend.  Actually, this isn’t the first time I’ve styled this exact pleated floral skirt and sheer camisole. I’ve previously worn the set but not with denim. Then I wore a black waterfall jacket (not on the blog though) those who follow my Instagram must have seen it. But this time around, I decided to be a bit more stylish and completed the look with a denim jacket and a pair of block heels in pastel peach. To accessorize, I wore a statement neckpiece and hung my little black wooden trim box clutch. Meanwhile, my skirt was initially a full length, I had to cut it to my desired length. And my camisole happens to be a bit rumpled. Wanted to quickly iron it, but my photographer was like “don’t worry, it won’t be noticeable in the pictures” Isaac you lied to me!!!

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statement neckpiece, denim jacket, pleated floral skirt, block heels, box clutch - dafashionfreak

statement neckpiece, denim jacket, pleated floral skirt, block heels, box clutch - dafashionfreak

After shooting these photos, I was viewing them on my laptop when I realized just how much the outfit reminds me of an outfit I once saw on blogger Cassie Daves – a floral dress and a denim jacket. Well, she sure does love her denim jackets and never disappoints when it comes to styling them. I must say that she is one of the people that made me love denim jacket. Another person that grew my love for denim in general is Lisa Folawiyo. She slays denim in her own way and I love her style. She is such an inspiration!
So what do you think about pairing floral and denim? Would you have preferred my pleated floral skirt in the original length? Please, let me know your thoughts in the comments section below. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend.
Much love,


PS: It was brought to my notice that it has been a bit difficult leaving comments here, my apologies guys, that was google+ comments wahala.  I finally disabled google+ comments on the blog. So we’re back to blogger comments which is a lot easier. Thanks and I can’t wait to read your comments.

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